Disconnected collaboration tools, security gaps, integration issues, and scattered information…
While adding more messaging and collaboration platforms has helped improve productivity, it has also created new challenges. Without strong security in place, files shared on internal messengers can easily become vulnerable, turning sensitive information into potential data leaks.
Today’s organizations need a solution that not only protects critical data but also resolves these issues to foster a seamless, secure collaboration environment. Break through the limitations of traditional messengers and elevate team productivity with Fireside.
Integrate with Wrapsody,
an AI-powered document
management platform, to ensure
encrypted data, content-based
chats, and AI Assistant for
smarter collaboration.
Connect with external collaboration
platform, Wrapsody eCo, to facilitate
workgroup-based chats, bringing
together both internal and external
partners for streamlined collaboration.
Establish a powerful, end-to-end security environment that leaves
no gaps in data protection with
Fasoo Enterprise DRM,
a comprehensive data security